Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Count down to the end of 2014- A DAY!!

 Hello everybody! it's been a wonderful year hasn't it? We sure have a lot to be thankful for. "Like what, Dew?", you might ask. Well, for starters, if you are reading this, then your eyes functions just fine and your brain has no problem comprehending simple grammar. That's something... plus, hey! you are alive! Like the saying goes, 'where there is life, there is hope'. It might not seem so at the moment. You may have had a rough 2014 or you might have set out goals and done everything you could but nothing happened. Well, today as an end of year gift I'd like to share something i learnt yesterday.

  Last night, i had to sleep in the same room as my baby brother and he is a light sleeper. Well, i was told i had to be very still and quiet and i thought to myself, 'how hard can it be?' It was finally time to go to bed and he was already in his cot, sleeping. So i opened the door and tip toed to my bed. Unfortunately though, i kept knocking stuff over. In fact, i got to realize that staying still was not so easy after all. And all through the night, it was hard to turn carefully and knock make any noise and all that. And in my frustration, i heard this still voice say, "this is how you are most times". I wondered, 'but i am not always clumsy, infact i love organization more than anyone i know'. " It's hard for you to keep still about situations. It's hard for you to wait. It's hard for most people to wait.". I battled over that short conversation for a while and realized it is so true. My mum describes our generation as the 'microwave age'- we want everything now! We don't want to wait for anything. We rush into everything. Quick money, we fall most easily for scams.

  Look, there are 2 things involved, hard work and then waiting- keeping still. Sometimes we have done all we can do and we just have to wait. God don't do magic.... Of cause, because he is God, he can cause money to rain for your sake but he won't because we need to learn patience, keeping still, waiting or long suffering. It is a fruit of the spirit and a much needed one. This is trust, this is faith...learning to keep still.
Take a farmer for instance, he tills and cultivates a land, sows his seeds, water them and all that is needed to make it grow but that does not mean that the seed would just spring out of the ground the moment it is sown. Even though it is sown on the most fertile ground. it takes time to grow. The farmer doesn't just get angry and destroy everything he worked so hard for just because it's not magically producing, he waits. My point is, there is the place of keeping still.
  In this new year, learn to keep still so you can hear God's voice. Learn the importance of waiting on the lord. I believe this verses will help:
Psalms 37:7   Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
keep praying, don't stop beliving or trusting and learn to wait on God!
I wish you a great cross-over!!!
Much love!


Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Hi, I'm Daniel Otabor and I have no position. So there's basically no difference between you and I. Except that I understand that I can lead without having any position.

I have been running a series for some time now and I promised the awesome DEW Uwadia I was gonna have it on her blog.

Long Story Short, I'm going to be talking about #YouTooCanLead..

First what really is leadership and why do I believe strongly that you can lead?

Leadership is the ability for you to lead yourself effectively to the extent that people will want to follow.. Meaning leadership is first personal, then public.

Will you follow you, if you were leading you?

A Chinese proverbs says, "If You Think You Are Leading And No One Is Following, Then You're Only Taking A Walk!"

My role model, Dr Myles Munroe didn't agree with this and I know why. This was what he said; "You Don't Need People To Follow You Before You Are Regarded As A Leader. As Long As You're Leading A Purpose Then You Are A Leader."

Then again, if you are leading and no one is following, are you not following you?

That Said;

Find what you love doing and lead it. Discover your purpose and lead it!

But Daniel I don't know my Purpose --- How do I discover my purpose?

Well, to some it came easily, to others it didn't.. But just to quickly help you, Find that thing you love doing even when no one is watching or recognises it. Find that thing that makes you angry when it's done (E.g you get angry when information isn't properly disseminated or there isn't any content value. You can consider the media.) Due to my belief as a christain, I recommend that you pray and seek God for He is your creator and he will reveal your purpose to you.

But Daniel O! How do you lead effectively, you're young and you're doing all of this?

Well Baby! I just serve effectively..

You need to understand  that leaders have strengths. Establishing this knowledge, you also need to realize that leaders have weaknesses too..

But this is it, Leaders understand that "Getting Better Everyday Is Actually What Living Everyday Looks Like."

You telling yourself reasons why you can't lead and the reasons are solely because of your weaknesses are just stoppers! You've got strengths too! Yes you've got STRENGTHS!

Focus on your strengths and how you can make them effective in usage. Focus on how your strengths can make you achieve your desired goals. Focus on how your strength can take over and be in charge.

Why worry about a mango fruit when you can actually own the tree?

Now your mind is going to run you to death if you don't watch it.

"Watch Your Thoughts For They Become Your Actions, Watch Your Actions For They Become Your Habits, Watch Your Habits For They Become Your Character, Watch Your Character For It Determines Your Destiny - For What Ever You Think You Become.."

As a leader, what's your thought content? What do you spend your time thinking about? Are your thoughts innovative? Can your thoughts produce solutions to problems?

Your Mind Is The Seat Of Government Of Your Deeds!! Your Deeds Produce Results!!
Results Attract Followers..

When Sandra Day O'Connor graduated from Stanford Law School, she was turned down for interviews by over 40 Law firms because she was a woman. In 1981, she became the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court..

Leaders are resilient! They keep coming back for more, they don't "Fizzle Out." To become, you most be formed!

Helen Keller (1880-1968) became deaf blind before her second birthday. Despite this debilitating disability, she learned to read and write, and became the first deaf blind person to gain a Bachelor Degree..

You Still Think You Can Be Held Back?


Quickly going back memory lane; I had a discussion with Steve Harris (Your Life Strategist)! He's awesome.

On this day like always, I had a rare privilege to have a discussion with Steve Harris (Your Life Strategist), As he was at the office. From our discussion, I noted that true leaders are "The Voice" and not an Echo! He made me understand that really, there's a need for growth and track records.

You can't always regurgitate everything you take in. People need to know that they are following you and not some other person who you constantly pose as! #Deep-Right?

Myles Munroe said it this way, "To Be A Leader, You Must Be An Original!"

Always remember, you're not in a competition with anyone! You're only becoming better irrespective of who is watching or who isn't..

Stephen Covey Said, "Find Your Voice."

This One Is On The House:
Leading isn't what attracts people to you, it's the positive impact your leadership has made that does!

To lead effectively, you must see what others don't. John Maxwell said, "Leaders Know The Way, Shows The Way, And Goes The Way."

You can only know the way, show the way and go the way if you are a visionary! What do you see? Leaders are visionaries and vision is the picture of the future. Fela Durotoye said, "The Future Is Not A Timezone That's To Come; The Future Is All You Can Be But Have Not Yet Become, The Future Is All You Can Do But Have Not Yet Done, The Future Is All You Can Have But Have Not Yet Possessed."

And Remember I'm Daniel Otabor, I Have No Position And I'm Leading Effectively.. #YouTooCanLead.

Friday, 14 November 2014


Hi everybody! Where do I even begin? Errrrm, school is just so so demanding these days. I rarely have time to breathe, let alone write. But I am going to try to keep up. Over the past month, I have been faced with challenges and the issue of making decisions. Some I have made good choices and others, well I don't know. But that's what I'm going to talk about today...Choices.
 Wise men often say that you are not really a product of your family upbringing or your environment but you are a product of the choices that you made and are making and will be the product of the choices that you will make. Something weird happened to me this week. And I will share it with you.
About 3 weeks ago, a certain organisation came to my school with a competition and basically I was not planning to enter. Due to some personal reasons. But a day to the deadline, someone I respect told me to enter. I knew why I didn't want to at first but I felt I should not let him down. Now that I think of it, I don't even know how I would have. Anyway, I decided(note the word decided) to get in for whatever funny reason I should. I had hours to the deadline and I rushed everything. Well long story short I could not get in. I was so embarrassed and sad and angry at everyone else. But then after the dust had settled, I realised I was to blame. Why? I made the choice to enter. I wasn't really compelled to. I decided to. And when the repacautions of my choice came, I alone was d target.
Point been, my choice to listen and agree to the pressure got me to that point. Whatever choice no matter how small can change and determine the course of your life. For instance, a decision to greet someone could get you a job. Choices as simple as yes and no choices can affect you in ways you never imagined. Sometimes we live in the illusion that a small worng decision can't hurt anything or that people actually have the ability to force us into anything. But no one else should be held responsible for your bad choices or good ones at that. Because you alone have the power to do or not to do.
So today please think before making any decision. I know today's write up is quite brief but I trust it has substance. I love you all! Stay true to yourself and make right choices today!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Hi Hi good people!
what have you been up to lately? i hope good and creative stuff. So i know it is not news anymore that the famous actor, comedian, philanthropist, Robin Williams is dead.
It is all over the news and the social media. it is sad. too sad. Yesterday, i was watching CNN breaking news about it and by today, the fact that it was a suicide was confirmed. According to reports, the late actor had suffered severe depression and had recently been to rehab. And as we were watching this, my sister asked a profound question; what on earth would make him suffer depression? He made people laugh, made people happy and stuff. Larry King says he was so open. He talked about everything with such humor. yet, this amazing happy looking, simple man was depressed to the point of suicide.(RESPECT TO THE DEAD) This got me thinking....
  Last time, i posted about talking to someone and i pointed out the fact that God wouldn't have put us with other people on the planet if we were meant to handle stuff alone. Now, they say, he talked about his battles with drugs and all that openly and with humour... so he did talk to someone. in fact, he talked to people. Now am not saying that what he said, was the cause of his depression. The point i am trying to make is, money and fame don't give peace. Many times, i have heard people say, "if i could just land some cool cash, all my problems would go away" or " i would be settled if i got this and i got that". Look people, the only true peace in life comes from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. He alone gives peace. Money, fame, relationships and men or women cannot. I know what am saying. I know because i have a relationship with him. He is the only one who can give true inner comfort and peace. 
 Many people make Jesus sound like one of many options but he is not. He is the only option! You see, every man was born with this gaping hole inside. And most people spend their lives trying to feel it. they try drugs, beer, parties, sex, fame, clothes, money and 'success'. But after all is said and done,  the hole remains empty. You know what i mean. Everyone does. Jesus says:
Matthew 11:28-30  Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid

I repeat that you will never experience true peace without a relationship with Jesus Christ. In the book of Samuel, after Saul disobeys God and the Spirit of God leaves him, he is tormented by evil spirits. This is proof that without the spirit of God in a man's life he will always be troubled.
 So if you don't and have never had a relationship with Jesus, it's not too late. Thank God for grace. You can right now. say this quick prayer:
Congrats! you just took the first step. Now if you don,t have a Bible, please get one because it is God's love letters to you.:) Then find a fellowship around you where you can be guided and helped to grow spiritually.
Now if you were already born again but still do not experience true peace. you should probably rededicate your life and commiment to God. And most importantly, spend time with God in prayer and mediating on his word.  Sometimes we all have to be reminded.
 Finally, please i want to emphize the fact that we should be careful what we feed ourselves (what we watch and hear). When surfing the net or searching the Tv for a program, please look for stuff that will uplift you and not drag you down physically,emotionally and spiritually. This is very important. to this effect, i'd like the ladies to check out the PINKY PROMISE MOVEMENT. Just goggle it. And for the guys and men please check out THE OATH MOVEMENT. it inspired me and helped me refocus. i hope it does that for you too.
Remain in the peace that God brings people.
I truely love y'all.
p.s: if you have difficulty leaving a comment or question or even suggestion, you can seek me out on facebook: Dew Uwadia. 

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


 Hi people! so again i apologize for not been very regular. But today i want to talk about something i see as too important to ignore.
   I was talking to my mum some days ago, and she told me the story (true by the way) of a young man who committed suicide He was a student in one of the Nigerian universities. He was been pressured to join a cult but he kept refusing. A while later, he was threatened and forced into it and he was told that if he told his parents they would get killed. Well he did what he thought was "best" and killed himself leaving behind a suicide note that detailed his reason.
    I almost cried when i heard this because he seemed to be a good guy who would have done great in life if not for the unfortunate incident. Now he did not have to do this, he would have just spoken to his parents. Because his parents were really strong Christians. Or even somebody else who could have helped.
 My point been this: we all have issues sometimes especially as young people. And we often think that we can fix everything on our own and we would be just fine. but let me ask a question; don't you think that most of the mistakes we have made at one point or another in our lives could have or may have been avoided if we had just talked to someone?
 Let me use myself as an example. Growing up i developed a very tight bond with my mother. She is a very principled person no doubt but she is also very understanding. And because she is a listening mother, she is one person i have also felt comfortable confiding in. There have been times of major decisions or even minor ones in my life and times when i would be growing through something, and talking to my mum about it has always been very helpful. even when i make mistakes by taking silly decisions, she's always there to listen and advice when necessary. i have been saved from alot of trouble and regret because i made the choice to talk to her.
 No matter what it is, there's always somebody to listen. Alot of young people go into drugs, or start drinking and all that sort of thing because they want to escape the reality of what they are truely going through. but this can only bring some form of temporary satisfaction because when the effects of all that is cleared, reality does not go anywhere.
I realize that it is really hard opening up
 to somebody or letting the real you come out but believe me when i say, it would save you alot of pain, trauma and regret. we usually lie to ourselves and others that we are fine when we are'nt really.
 if God had intended for us to handle stuff on our own, he would have just put us on our own in the planet...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Don't stop!
Mary had stared at that art set every time she visited the mall. For one with an eye for colours this was all to catchy. She decided she would get a job. Mr whitefield lived just 3 blocks away and she could just help him mow his lawn. besides she was quite sure he would pay her. At least one week would do.
So the next day after school, she rode her bike over there and spoke to him. He of cause agreed. She decided she would start the next day.
After school she rode over happily and mowed the lawn joyfully. When she was done, she went to knock on his door. "Sir, I am true for today", she said smiling and anticipating her first pay. He smiled back and said, "see you tomorrow mary".
Abit disappointed, she cycled home. But everyday of the week turned out the same way; she would work and not get anything.
Another week went by and Mr Whitefield still smiled at her after her day's work and that was it. By the 3rd week, she stopped by the mall to check on her dream art set. And she wondered if she could keep up with this.
Now this was the 4th week and it was friday. After school, she thought and decided it was no use going over to Mr Whitefield's anymore. He was slaving her and maybe the art set wasn't worth it anymore. Meanwhile Mr Whitefield sat on his pouch, waiting on her with 100 Dollars in his hand. But she didn't turn up. She lost a lot more than she  thought she might get.
We are a lot like Mary a lot of times, we dream, we reach out and just because it 'seems' to be taking longer than we thought, we give up or give in. And most times, the finish line was just below the horizon.
You see, dreams do come true. And no matter how it may seem don't give up or give in. Keep at it! Whatever it is; whether you are trying to get better in school or develop a better attitude or loose some weight and so....
Trust me, you are so close to the reward, you have no idea!!!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Oh what joy feels my soul! Honestly, I am always amazed @ the love of God...I mean what greater love can exist?!
This day should remind us what it is means to be born-again...we are not the same. do you know the victory Christ gave us?! Wow wow wow!!!! We are super men literilly...oh! how I want to dance!!!
Anyway, this is a small something I wrote to explain everything...
Many a tale I have heard
Many stories have been said
Of heros revered
And men that were feared
Oh but different this is
This story that still lives
Of a man who gives
His life so men might live.

Born under supernatural circumstance
In a stable but worshipped @ a glance
The wise men from the East recognized the glory of this God-child.
Growing up unusal 
His life a marvel to many..
He helped,healed and loved
And yet was betrayed by the same people who shouted Hossana to his name
The enemy thinking victory was gained threw a feast to celebrate 
But his death was the beginning of an end
Down to the abyss he went and reclaimed eternity for man
Taking the key to life
And forever keeping the enemy down
And just as he had said
On the 3rd day he rose again
Becoming the first born of all sons
Tearing the veil that stood between man and divinity
Up in the sky he went but left his spirit to turn all who accept him to super men better than any seen..

So the story goes and still goes
Of the God-man who saved man.
Happy Easter!

I love y'all really! Live in the victory he gave! Have a gracious sunday!!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Hello everybody!!
It's been a very long time I know. And trust me you do not want to be bored to death with the reason why. But I am here now and that's all that matters
So when I named this blog I was very sure of one thing; that I would be real. Well, I want to talk about something important...Association.
By association here I mean the people you keep around you, as friends,acquaintances, and so on. We have talked about dreams and an important factor in determining if you would achieve your dream is the kind of association you keep.
Now we meet different people every day in different places and under different circumstances and then we make a choice what to do about them..i.e. Either keep them around or pretend we never met them.
We must realise that everyone comes into our lives for a purpose and a time frame. The problem is that we are not sensitive to know the purpose or time frame. Some people are just supposed to be around for a short time and to help you with an immediate need or something like that. It is very important to know this because it would affect us in the long run.
Now when you have figured that out, you would know who are dream helpers or dream killers. To achieve your dream you need dream helpers around you...people who challenge you,who encourage you, who can see your vision, positive people, who can pray with you and people who can dream with you. Many people have lived empty lives because they kept dream killers around them as friends or husbands or wives and so on.
Be sensitive of the association you keep because trust me, they determine the course of your life!!!
Now that being said, I want to appreciate everyone who has contacted me concerning my posts...I am grateful I have all of you. you are the reason I write! I love you all.
Keep growing and learning!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Only you!
Hello great people! I trust that the year is unfolding with greatness for you! I have been on a really short semester break, trying to recoup for the new one.
So last time I posted on "Dreams". This time I want to back it up. You see, we are mostly all born the same way, we have similar human features and so on. In fact if you are a twin(an identical one), you probably have an 'exact' look alike... or so is the general idea. truth be told,your twin has a distinct feature that disguises him from you. Now that's just on the outside.
I study psychology as part of my courses for this year and of course a lot is said about genes being the reason for some characters found in a human being. So you love the outdoor, it's probably because your dad does too. Or you sing like a nightingale, that's probably because your grandma was a singer too! This goes to show that there are a billion singers and hikers out there. But still you are the only you that exists!
Now let's assume you sing and your dream is to win the Grammy one day and make sure your music is in every home, let's say you got up and took the necessary steps...you took music classes, trained your voice and got yourself a mentor. there is the tendency for you to want to be just like your mentor...I am using a singer because this is the most relatable case senerio I can create. it is not wrong to use your mentor as a guide but trying to use your mentor as a yastic for your success is sooooooo wrong. You are unique with your own voice and style, do not strive to be your mentor, work hard at being the best version of You!
This goes for every other area....do not spend your life trying to be just like your mum or pastor, or teacher or that famous person...because that is a precious waste of you. you have something that the world has never seen and the world is in need of. Do not live your life being the shadow of somebody else. Nobody was created to be the replica of anyone. You are created to shine your own star. You are unique and different. Work at being the best version of you. Remember, there is ONLY YOU!!!

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Hi everyone,it's been a while... I know. School has had me busy. So before I go any further, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me. When the awards start flooding in, we would celebrate together!!!;)
So dreams...what's a dream anyway? I'm not talking about those videos that play in your head when you're asleep as a result of the information stored up in your sub conscious. I mean that mark you want to leave in the sands of time...that difference you are determined to make in your world. 
Now you know what I mean...hope you have a dream. If you don't, you really should because a dreamless being is a purpose less being and if you are without purpose, you are as good as not existing.#realtruth.
Dreams don't cost a dime...really. All it requires is imagination and creativity. Remember barney? If you are in my generation, you should. The kids could build castles and be kings and Queens with seconds. All they had to do was imagine something and anything and boom!!..there it was! That's how dreams are...but unlike barney, there's no magic in real life. only determination and hardwork. 
So you have a dream, what next?! I say you make a move. If you have to travel a journey that would last for 7 hours, the first step would be to get up from where you are and head to the park or airport. Someone once told me, "a lot of people dream but veryfew do anything about it". And that is absolutely true. It's not enough to dream or have a dream, you have to make move. Someone might ask, 'what is mydream istoo big and it invovles a lot of money?'. Well, first of all there isn't a dream that is too big. Every dream is attainable. As for the money part, start little. Do researches and find out about whatever it is. Go for trainings and sharpen your skills. Because if you don't, you might crash before you even start. It is also important to have mentors who can guide and advice you. That's making a move.
In summary, dare to dream!! It would cost you nothing. And when you dream, make a move and watch your dream become a reality.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Exams-part 1

 So it's exam time again and that got me thinking. There's a lot of pressure from parents or sponsors,from school and competition...in fact, tension is on an all time high!!!
 Exams are supposed to test how well you learnt and retained all you learnt. But does it really? I mean just because a student doesn't do well in an exam doesn't mean the student learnt nothing or retained nothing. It doesn't mean also that the student didn't study.
A lot of factors can lead to a student failing. Now it should be noted that i am not trying to make  excuses for failure. I am just stating a fact that no longer be ignored. A lot of people have had their self esteem damaged by lecturers and Co because they "failed" an examination. I do not understand why there should be so much work load piled up for student all in the name of hard work. For instance, a student offers 11 courses, has about 3-4 classes each day, has term papers, tests, projects and so on, on top of all else to be completed in a really short time. Now this brain must accommodate so much in such a short time and is required to deliver all it has been given when. It hasn't even had time to assimilate. I mean these are things that aresupposed to learnt and retained and practicalized for life....

Monday, 13 January 2014

Hi everybody!its the beginning of a new week. The second week of January. Some are at school or work and others at home. Well it doesn't matter where you are at...make the most of the time spent there. Remember this is the time to sow seeds..sow well! Here are a few tips to having an awesome week;
1. Smile..it keeps u healthy and beautiful/handsome
2. Think positive...u release positive vibes this way.
3. Eat healthy...I know your busy but try to grab something healthy to eat
4. Take a breather...make sure u relax your mind. it helps u think better
5. Read...even though your not in school at the moment,increase your knowledge.
6. Most importantly, Pray..you can't do it on your own o!

Yeah! Before I forget, if you want to talk about anything, send me a message or live a comment. This is a forum to ask and answer questions and pour out your heart...looking forward to hearing from you. here's my mail: heavenlydew40@yahoo.co.uk.

Bye for now!!!

Sunday, 12 January 2014


so, this has been a long time coming. It sure took awhile but it's here. And this is the beginning of greatness...for all things great must have a start right?truth has a voice and this would be a voice of truth...simple! anticipate greatness!!!!!