Thursday, 17 April 2014

Hello everybody!!
It's been a very long time I know. And trust me you do not want to be bored to death with the reason why. But I am here now and that's all that matters
So when I named this blog I was very sure of one thing; that I would be real. Well, I want to talk about something important...Association.
By association here I mean the people you keep around you, as friends,acquaintances, and so on. We have talked about dreams and an important factor in determining if you would achieve your dream is the kind of association you keep.
Now we meet different people every day in different places and under different circumstances and then we make a choice what to do about them..i.e. Either keep them around or pretend we never met them.
We must realise that everyone comes into our lives for a purpose and a time frame. The problem is that we are not sensitive to know the purpose or time frame. Some people are just supposed to be around for a short time and to help you with an immediate need or something like that. It is very important to know this because it would affect us in the long run.
Now when you have figured that out, you would know who are dream helpers or dream killers. To achieve your dream you need dream helpers around you...people who challenge you,who encourage you, who can see your vision, positive people, who can pray with you and people who can dream with you. Many people have lived empty lives because they kept dream killers around them as friends or husbands or wives and so on.
Be sensitive of the association you keep because trust me, they determine the course of your life!!!
Now that being said, I want to appreciate everyone who has contacted me concerning my posts...I am grateful I have all of you. you are the reason I write! I love you all.
Keep growing and learning!

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