Hi everyone,it's been a while... I know. School has had me busy. So before I go any further, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me. When the awards start flooding in, we would celebrate together!!!;)
So dreams...what's a dream anyway? I'm not talking about those videos that play in your head when you're asleep as a result of the information stored up in your sub conscious. I mean that mark you want to leave in the sands of time...that difference you are determined to make in your world.
Now you know what I mean...hope you have a dream. If you don't, you really should because a dreamless being is a purpose less being and if you are without purpose, you are as good as not existing.#realtruth.
Dreams don't cost a dime...really. All it requires is imagination and creativity. Remember barney? If you are in my generation, you should. The kids could build castles and be kings and Queens with seconds. All they had to do was imagine something and anything and boom!!..there it was! That's how dreams are...but unlike barney, there's no magic in real life. only determination and hardwork.
So you have a dream, what next?! I say you make a move. If you have to travel a journey that would last for 7 hours, the first step would be to get up from where you are and head to the park or airport. Someone once told me, "a lot of people dream but veryfew do anything about it". And that is absolutely true. It's not enough to dream or have a dream, you have to make move. Someone might ask, 'what is mydream istoo big and it invovles a lot of money?'. Well, first of all there isn't a dream that is too big. Every dream is attainable. As for the money part, start little. Do researches and find out about whatever it is. Go for trainings and sharpen your skills. Because if you don't, you might crash before you even start. It is also important to have mentors who can guide and advice you. That's making a move.
In summary, dare to dream!! It would cost you nothing. And when you dream, make a move and watch your dream become a reality.
Sorry about the errors, they are typographical..
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