I have had so many projects on ground that i barely have time to write. But make no mistake, you all are on top of my priority list and i consider you super important too. So i am giving a triple dose today! Cool, yes?
Okay, i will talk about 3 things that are kind of related but are 3 distinct things one must consciously pay attention to. First off, we'll start with this;
Nkiru was friends with Nadia, in fact they had been friends ever since... well, forever. They went to the same schools, the same church, grew up in the same neighborhood e.t.c. In Sunday school, they both joined the kiddie's choir of their church. They both enjoyed Music. Over the years they realized this. But, they loved to express their love for music in totally different ways. You see, Nadia was a singer and she loved it! She would sing in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car....sometimes even in class you would catch her humming. In church she got almost all the solos and after service, there would be an array of people waiting to tell her how blessed they were by her song. Nkiru was pretty sure she enjoyed singing too. Music calmed her soul and she couldn't do without it. But here was the thing, she didn't usually feel fulfilled after singing. yes, it was music but the glow on Nadia, she didn't see on herself.
One day, the choir was to do a song that involved some form of choreography. The Choir director had seen it in a movie. They got the dance group to come help them with this. As they danced, Nkiru felt this pull... she was almost dancing with them behind her mic. The music made her want to move. But the problem was, the choir had to be perfectly still! Her Choir Director kept cautioning her to be still but she just couldn't.. After 3 rehearsals of the same thing happening, she was asked to just join the dancers. She reluctantly agreed but before anyone knew it, Nkiru was dancing like she wasn't on earth anymore. It was like the music was coming out from her body. On their way home, Nadia said to her, "NK, you should have seen yourself dancing! One would not believe you were in the choir". Nkiru laughed but she knew what Nadia was saying, she felt something while dancing. Joy... Fulfillment. it was like hearing the music for the first time. And that was when it struck her... she should be dancing! Yes she loved to sing and she could sing but she was no Nadia. She had being walking in her friend's shoes...her path. Now that she thought of it, anytime Nadia was singing, she would sing along but she would always be the only one of the 2 of them dancing. She loved it. She had found her way of expression...
Alot of people are like Nkiru. They have their Nadia, could be a friend or even parents.Someone who they feel they have to be like because, well, they are siblings or friends or heirs... Alot of people are walking other people's path.We think, "Because it's working out for her, it would work for me". Well, you are not her darling! Simple! Discover what makes you feel alive! You don't have to be a replica of Jason Derulo or Wizkid. You'll live all your life try to measure up to being somebody's carbon copy. And truth is, you will never be good at it. Imagine a Huge waste of your life.This life is like a really long movie, and everyone has a role. Nobody was created to be anybody's understudy. Even if you have similar roles, there is the 'you' factor that made you get a distinct part. Stop walking in anybody's shadow. Yes, some of us, have to work behind the scene but that does not stop you from shining behind the curtain. Don't be concerned with out-shining somebody else only be concerned with being a better you. But please, don't be afraid to shine bright. There is no such thing as shining too bright! If you happen to be out-shining anyone, they should just upgrade! BE EXCELLENT!
Now you must realize that because we all have to walk our paths, our lives and timings will be inevitably different. Most people measure their success using their friends and so on as a rule. Truth is, you will never go really far doing this. How about, using your own life to measure your success. How do i mean? Well, ask yourself questions like, last year, was i better intellectually, emotionally, psychically, spiritually, financially and socially? Did i grow? Did i go back? What did i stop doing? What should i start doing? Set yourself daily goals...and see if you achieved them. Then move on to weekly, monthly and yearly goals. Take stock of your life instead of being the accountant and auditor of other people's lives. You'll see yourself thriving!!!!
Now one down, on to the next:
Wait! what? Reason less? Dew? Haha! Yes! I know what i said and i'll say it again... Please, REASON LESS! You see, being reasonable is absolutely good and necessary. But when this becomes a hindrance to you, be reason less.
Let's use me as an example. Anyone who knows me, knows that i like to plan and calculate stuff. I like to know what comes after what and when and how what is happening. I cannot plunge into anything without perfect detailing and possible and predictable outcomes. I used to pride myself in this...note i said used to because at some point, i had to learn that the extreme of what i am leads to abit of a disadvantage. So I learnt to draw the line. You see, this is part of my strengths as a person but it could be my doom because i can be over-reasonable, never taking risks. No adventures. I used to like my routine. It was hard to adapt to change. Aha! Now you get it....it wasn't really living. I once heard a Minister say, " sometimes we analyze ourselves into paralysis!". And that is so true! We calculate and break it down ya-di-ya and never do anything. We dream in a box... where it is absolutely comfy and convenient for us! Dear Friend, this is okay, if you are comfortable with having an ordinary okay life. But if you intend to be super, then you have got to run out, infact fly out of your comfort zone!! Think out of the box! Dream Big. It don't cost you nothing! Like they say, if your dream don't scare you, you are not dreaming yet. It has got to be bigger than you! Don't be myopic. Think Global! Think outside yourself. I learnt that staying in my comfort zone made me comfortable but not productive! I had to fly out!
Look, take risks! Yes, you may fail, GET UP! Make appropriate changes and try again! That thing you have being thinking about will yield nothing if you leave it in your mind...Take a step!!!! Do Something...In short, Please Reason Less!
Well, that was short but it's not quantity, it's quality that counts! Now the last dose;
Recently, i realized i needed new cloths and shoes. But get this, my closet was full. So you ask, how can i need clothes and shoes when my closet is full? Well, i wasn't wearing most of the stuff anymore. But they were there because well, i had not really taken time to sort through my closet to realize i needed new stuff and most, for sentimental attachments. So one night, yes i do alot of things at night, i got to sorting them out. I would pick a shirt and think, is it wearable for someone else(could i donate it) or did i have to throw it out or could i keep it? I did this with everything in my closet. Pretty soon, my mum entered my room and she went," where are your shoes?!" with this really surprised look on her face. Told you i needed stuff...i had to clean out the clutter to see how bad my needs were.
Life is pretty much the same way. We could just have alot of clutter; What is clutter? Well, simply put, Clutter is whatever or whoever is not adding value to you/your life but is there occupying space or just draining you out. I was having a conversation with a couple of my team members 2 days ago and we were talking about how there are stages and phases in life and how when moving from one phase to another, alot of things and people have to go. We talked about how some people were just stuck in a phase because they would not let go of some things or people or even mindsets. You cannot keep pulling baggage along with you...it will slow you down and get you tired quickly.
Truth is you cannot have it all. Somethings have just got to go. I cannot tell you what those things are but you decide... For me, i believe that one of the very important contributors to your success or downfall are the relationships you keep and by Relationships i mean platonic ones, work and school relationships and even romantic relationships. You need to surround yourself with people who add value to you no matter at what rate. If all a relationship does is drain you of valuable time, your money, your knowledge and emotions and adds absolutely nothing to you, please love from a distance. Sometimes you upgrade...learn something new or develop yourself or form a better mindset, if the people around you won't do the same, chances are they are going to pull you right back to where you just left and the sad part is, you wouldn't even know. Because you need to come out of the clutter to get some perspective. You need to let go of the people or things that add no value to you. I strive to surround myself with people who challenge, inspire and motivate me. I am not saying do not have people who look up to you for some form of guidance and whatnot, but if this must happen, you must NOT compromise your self development time. No great mentor spends all their time mentoring... they redraw to have time to develop themselves. The world is moving, technology is moving...everyday there is something else for you to learn and know.
Clutter could be too much time taking and uploading pictures! Or being on social media.I am all for keeping memories and having a blooming social life but if you are not Desmond Elliot or Some big name yet, please get a life off Instagram and Facebook and twitter.Wait, even these people develop themselves. You think if they sat around just been popular all day, they would last? You need to prioritize! Movies will not go anyway but time will not wait! Like my mum used to tell us as kids, " The people you are watching on tv have found their purpose and are making their money". I made up my mind to not just be the watcher or the person trying to get an autograph... i was going to be on the TV and the one signing autographs. But i had to learn that some clutter had to go if that was going to happen.
Basically, take time to sort threw your life and throw out what is unnecessary to create room for what can make you more valuable!
Well, i could write forever because i have so much to share but i wouldn't want anyone taking an overdose now...lol. For now, if there is some adjustment you feel you need to make, then by all means do!
Keep being awesome and productive!
I love you guys!!!
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