Haha! Happy New Year Folks! I know I know it's been forever. But all is forgiven I hope. I have missed posting as much as I hope you have missed reading. It's been intense and I had to prioritize. Writing is so much a part of me and it's amazing how long it's been since I wro..... hold up, I actually have been writing- just school essays though! ↑😆😆😆😆😆.
Well, I know it's the new year and there are tons of 'New year, New me's in people's journals, on their vision boards and so on. Fitness ads be using this new year to guilt trip people...haha.

It is a norm that every new year, we write resolutions and make all these plans to do better, to be better. I am all for it...I do it too. This year though I did a little extra- which I will tell you about in a minute.
So I was going through old chats - you guys know how my muse are usually the oddest things or situations- and looking at how i used to spell stuff a couple of years ago. For instance, I would spell school as Skul and in fact everything i wrote was almost an acronym and for some reason i thought that was cool. Now reading it i would whack my younger self in the head for a brain adjustment...fo' real. But it was not just the spellings that caught my attention. It was the feeling i got from reading those things- I felt how i felt at the time i wrote them. And then i thought of me now; older, wiser and more sure of myself. I realized I have come a long way from younger me. I also realized i do not appreciate my progress enough. Most of us do not actually. I am not talking about big achievements like promotions or becoming thinner... I mean the little things about you. Little things change about you every year- hopefully for the better-and these things put together make up who you truely are. Have you ever reflected on your growth? You should. You would be amazed at how much more joyful and motivated you will feel once the scales from your eyes.
So this year, alongside my to-do lists, I made a mental list of how much of the little things i have to be thankful for. And i took a moment to take it all in and smile. And i told myself, ''you don good girl!''
Don't get caught up trying to make resolutions and feeling devastated when you realize you forgot about most of them by December 31st. Instead reflect first on all the little stuff and all the progress you did make and then proceed from there!
All that said, I wish everyone a productive new year. Remember dreams come true- don't let go of yours.