Hello Everyone,
So I know it has being awhile I actually wrote something and
unlike every other time, No, it is not because I got busy; which I did but that
was not the reason. I have being in a season or phase as I like to call it.
That Season is why I haven’t written.
I have been struggling with what to title this because well
everyone likes to have an idea of what the content of what they are about to
read is. But I cannot come up with the perfect ‘title’ so I guess you have to
read on to find out, yeah? ;D
Plus I should probably warn you; this is going to be a long
read so please if you are driving, don’t even try it! LOL!
Not kidding, though.
“On your mark, Get set…”, and I would have being mid-way by the
time the referee or whoever was you know, organizing the race would say “…Go!”, if I was a sports person which
I am not and that is why I am quite unsure about the name of the person who
organizes the race…#NotAshamed!
When I graduated from Primary School, my testimonial said ‘hardworking,
obedient and patient’, or something of the sorts. They were definitely right
about the first two, but for the 3rd; well let’s just say the aspect
that required my patience in school was something that I naturally had control
over. I was quiet and am still very calculative so I never got into unnecessary
confrontations at school. Plus they always said stuff like ‘gentle’ in my
report card every term which I believe they thought went hand in hand with
patience. Anyway my patience is that character trait that used to fail me when
I needed it the most. Because although, I may not go around screaming I want it
now, I would have sleepless nights because of wanting it now! So you see, for
the most part, my lack of patience was secret that is why everyone thought I
was very patient. Now put a finger on that…
I am also someone who likes having something to look forward to.... My birthday, Christmas, Easter, End/Beginning of the school year, a trip, an outing, a packet from DHL, a call, an email... the list is endless! I would doing a countdown like...down to minutes. i could even draw up a calender; probably in a book i always have with me, so i can strike out days! So take your finger off.... because there is always something to look forward to, there is usually waiting right? Right! And since I love looking forward to things I love the waiting
period right? Wrong!!!!
Remember, I told you about the sleepless nights? Yes,
that’s just one of the symptoms. I am usually miserable! Jittery, Restless and
everything else in that period could more or less be non-existent to me. And
then the worst part is, when that day or event happens, I may not even enjoy it
because I begin to worry about the fact that it’s going to go by too
fast…HAHAHAHAHA! (Another day’s Blog Jist).
Anyway, ‘the waiting period’,( hey, I should probably have
called this post that!) So you know I usually blog about the lessons God
teaches me with seemingly small events that happen? Yes, Good. So I will give
you an example of the most recent dealings on my Patience or no patience issue…lol.
First off, I was reading ‘THE POWER OF I AM’ by Joel Osteen a couple of weeks ago. 
And he talked about how there is no coincident and how
everything happens at the appointed time and how every little detail, timing
and all, sums up to specific events that happen in our lives. He also talked
about being content in the ‘process’…. Of waiting. I remember calling my friend
and being like, “Oh my God, I just read this………it is so true……I heard this
before in a sermon at school….bla bla bla”. And I also remember thinking, life
could be so easy if we just stopped stressing about stuff….
Now fast forward to
last week; I had planned to go out and I had a mental picture of how everything
was to go, I always do. I would catch a ride with mum and drop off because I
sure wasn’t going to walk under this ‘end-time’ sun...lol. I got dressed and
everything and was waiting. Mum was like give me an hour and I will be ready
and I was like okay, one hour. So I went back to my room and just laid on my
bed unnecessarily browsing. An hour later…She was very far from being ready! I
was so pissed! I am soooooooooooooooo time conscious! Summary of this story: we
didn’t go out eventually, and I basically wasted the day. Why? Because I was
obsessing about my going out, that I didn’t think of being happily productive
while waiting. Get where I am going with this? Later that night, as I did the
dishes, the Holy Spirit reminded me of what I read, and showed me how my
attitude that day was usually my attitude to most happenings in my life. I
looked forward to the ‘big thing’ happening that I made myself miserable while
waiting for it and basically would achieve less or nothing in that period.
Worse, I remembered a question Joel asked, ‘what if that thing never happens?’ What
then? Don’t I know the answer to that one…twice as much disappointment!
I learned that day, that patience is not just the ability to
wait, but is the ability to be content and joyful in the process, while fixing
your eyes on the prize. James 1:2-4 says;
So God made you a promise...what seems like a trillion years ago and it seemingly is slow, hang in there! He never lies and his word never returns to him void. Enjoy the process, so you are ready for the blessing!
If you are in the waiting period which most of us are in
for different things, I pray for the grace to stay patient! Because trust
me, there’s nothing like looking back and realizing you wasted time being