Hey Fam!
It's been forever right? I can't say i haven't written because i have been busy, and yes, though i have been busy i have just been taking out time to work on me or should i say to let God work on me. And make no mistake, the work is far from been done but i thought i should write today as i miss it and you too.
Today i am just writing. I am not thinking twice about my words or my next sentence but i am just writing because that is the reason i started blogging in the first place and that is why my blog is named what it is. Writing is my way to exhale. It is how i communicate. It is how i express.... You know what i mean. And might i use this avenue to add that i am not sorry that i don't follow the rules when i write. I already have to follow the rules when i talk or sing or do anything else... But when i write, it's raw from inside you know. It's like an outpouring; a gush of emotions and thoughts that just flow.....
A lot has been happening. Everywhere...Elections, new technologies and bla and bla...various opinions about stuff happening. About the Political state of Nigeria i refuse to comment...that is just an aside anyway.
So lately i have been thinking about life and time and decisions...been asking questions...Time is running by and what am i doing? what are you doing? How are you spending the gift of life you get everyday? What occupies your mind? What prompts your actions? Why do you do what you do? Remove everybody's opinion from you and what would you be? Why do say what you say? What are you making out of life? Are you preoccupied with other people's business? What is your essence? What is different because you are still alive? What is not?
You know sometimes you need to question your core. Or else you would live life lifeless. What are you doing with the opportunities you have... big or small? I am sick of complaining about what is not good and what is not there. I am sick of hearing people complain and grumble too. Because while you are doing that, life does not stop. It goes on....
Everyday and everywhere there is an opportunity. It might not be what you want at the time but it might be what you need to get what you want.I visited a refugee camp on a Church's Missions Outing recently... What i saw was not what i expected. This is what i expected...
Despondent and lifeless looking people. Hopeless eyes and Smiless faces...because i mean they have practically nothing.
This is what i saw...
Hope. Joy. Love.Smiles....I was wrong. They had something... They had life. And because they had life, there was hope... there was an opportunity. The kids laughed and played like everything in this world was right! I went there to give but i received so much more than i gave. I received a new perspective.... I have so much! I have my family, I am in school. I eat 3 square meals when i please. I can even snack. I have clean water and a bed. I have my physical body intact and my mind sound. If nothing more i have a laptop to blog...
Count your blessings and you would see the list is endless. Yes! you want more...I want more! But we have so much. Most of all we all have opportunities to make something out of everyday we breathe, to touch a life, to mend someone's heart with a smile, to use our gifts to reach someone. Enough of the selfishness! The 'me-consciousness'.... The 'what's in it for me attitude'. Become someone with a purpose everyday...wake up grateful and hopeful! AS LONG AS YOU BREATHE, IT'S NOT OVER!
This was not titled because like i said i am just writing...i am sharing my heart. I know someone needs to hear this... I know i do...