Melody could not afford to buy designer shoes but that did not stop her from wanting them. her family was barely managing to survive and all her momma could afford was used shoes....and she was working 3 jobs already. Infact, Melody had to find a job of her own so she could save up a liltle something for herself. Anyway, Mel had a thing for shoes and she just could not be satisfied with the ones her mom got she and her siblings. So she would always pray for a designer shoes of her own.
One day, after school she heard some girls talking about how some designer was giving out new shoes. Interested in this sort of thing, she drew closer to listen. They said this had never happened before and it was almost too good to be true. They said it would be on for a while.....So Mel hurried off to the store to see for herself and yes there it was on the store window, 'Free sunshine shoes'. She could not believe it. The next day, she saw someone wearing one of the shoes and she stopped to ask how much the lady had bought them. but the lady told her they were free. Mel still could not believe. She thought to herself that there must be a catch. Nothing goes for nothing. But everyday, she would pass by the store and stare at the sign. She told herself one of these days i would walk in there and find out for myself. And she told herself that everyday. But weeks turned to months and she still didn't go in. She kept telling herself she would. Finally, one day she decided to go check it out. However when she got there, the sign on the store window was gone. So she ran in the store and asked one of the store attendants about the free shoes. The lady told her that the offer was off. "off? but there was a sign and everything", Mel cried. ' But the sign's down now miss. The offer is off". A devastated Melody walked home wishing she had not waited so long to accept the store's offer.
Each of us is born with the longing for something more. Something more than riches and company and whatever earthly thing you can desire. Ask the world's 'richest' people and they will tell you that even after you get all the earthly wealth you could desire, you never get satisfied. That innate desire is the desire for something or someone bigger than our very beings. So most times people go on a 'search' for that something. And they end up in different places. Some wind up in places where they get temporary fulfillment and after a while, they resume their search. But some others find that person and find rest. The space for the creator, for God and his son Jesus is what causes that longing.
So while some end up in various religions and lifestyles, others find rest in the arms of the saviour, Jesus Christ. Like the sign at the store window, an offer has being made by God to us (John 3:16; for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life). But like Mel, sometimes, it sounds too good to be true and we don't even give it a chance. We say we will, someday, soon, very very very soon but we don't. However we should beware because, one day when we are least expecting it, the offer will be gone. Jesus will come back for his own and then no matter how much begging and crying, it will be too late.
I know we have heard it severally that Jesus is coming soon and it is beginning to sound like a broken record to us. But it should not because it is true. We see the signs all around us. So today, i stand as a voice to remind us not to get too busy with the affairs on earth to forget the second coming of our Lord.
If you are yet to accept the offer of God, do not hesitate and if you have, live in the consciousness of it. Remember, the bible says he will come like a thief in the night.....DON'T WAIT TILL THE SIGN GOES DOWN!!!
Much love.........