Making a U-turn; Change!!!!
Happy new year family!!!!!! We are almost a month gone....
Today I am gonna write on something super important and it's called Change. Change they say is the only constant thing but change is the hardest thing or is it?
I was having a conversation with a friend one day and she said to me, "sometimes, when you look at the big picture, it gets overwhelming but take it one piece at a time. How do u eat an elephant?" or I think the question, came before the big picture part but anyway that was what she said. We weren't talking about change but I believe it applies here too.
Everyone especially young people sometimes delve into wrong stuff, or learn bad habits. Sometimes out of curiosity, other times because of the wrong company. Or many times, even having the wrong information stored in their heart. The Bible says to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life(proverbs 4:23). But sometimes we let our guards down and pollute our hearts and begin to find ourselves misbehaving and making wongs decisions. We have all been here at some point and some people still are. And then we say to ourselves, ' I want to change! I don't don't know how'. So we keep on doing what's wrong and spreading the dark stain on our white robes. ' Afterall, I am already bad, what's the point right?' We drown ourselves in the dirt and throw ourselves a self pity party...telling ourselves we are just victims of circumstance. Maybe you even started doing wrong because you had a bad background... the world is constantly trying to help us make excuses for our misbehaviour; oh, she comes from a broken home that's why she's so unruly, cut her some slack. oh! They are so poor, that's why she is a prostitute, give her a break! Oh! His father was a drunk and was super violent that's why. He is violent!.......
I am not saying that sometimes up bringing doesn't affect a person's morals. That is possible but get up from the floor and dust yourself. Stop making excuses to remain there. You choose what experiences do to you. You can either let them harm you or make you a better person!
If you are in a bad place already, whatever the reason, change isn't that hard contrary to popular just has to be taken step by step. Slowly but surely...
The first step, is accepting that you are in a bad place and making a decision to leave there. Infact that is the most important part. Make up your mind to make a U-turn. It's not too late. Don't wait for tomorrow. Start now! Decide now!
You cannot do it on your own, though. Rely on the ability of Christ in you. Surrender it all to him. Your mind and heart, your thoughts, everything! Because until you come to a place where you accept that you can't move anymore except God picks you up, you will eventually get stuck.
So yes, change might not be the easiest thing to do but it is not the hardest either!