Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Count down to the end of 2014- A DAY!!

 Hello everybody! it's been a wonderful year hasn't it? We sure have a lot to be thankful for. "Like what, Dew?", you might ask. Well, for starters, if you are reading this, then your eyes functions just fine and your brain has no problem comprehending simple grammar. That's something... plus, hey! you are alive! Like the saying goes, 'where there is life, there is hope'. It might not seem so at the moment. You may have had a rough 2014 or you might have set out goals and done everything you could but nothing happened. Well, today as an end of year gift I'd like to share something i learnt yesterday.

  Last night, i had to sleep in the same room as my baby brother and he is a light sleeper. Well, i was told i had to be very still and quiet and i thought to myself, 'how hard can it be?' It was finally time to go to bed and he was already in his cot, sleeping. So i opened the door and tip toed to my bed. Unfortunately though, i kept knocking stuff over. In fact, i got to realize that staying still was not so easy after all. And all through the night, it was hard to turn carefully and knock make any noise and all that. And in my frustration, i heard this still voice say, "this is how you are most times". I wondered, 'but i am not always clumsy, infact i love organization more than anyone i know'. " It's hard for you to keep still about situations. It's hard for you to wait. It's hard for most people to wait.". I battled over that short conversation for a while and realized it is so true. My mum describes our generation as the 'microwave age'- we want everything now! We don't want to wait for anything. We rush into everything. Quick money, we fall most easily for scams.

  Look, there are 2 things involved, hard work and then waiting- keeping still. Sometimes we have done all we can do and we just have to wait. God don't do magic.... Of cause, because he is God, he can cause money to rain for your sake but he won't because we need to learn patience, keeping still, waiting or long suffering. It is a fruit of the spirit and a much needed one. This is trust, this is faith...learning to keep still.
Take a farmer for instance, he tills and cultivates a land, sows his seeds, water them and all that is needed to make it grow but that does not mean that the seed would just spring out of the ground the moment it is sown. Even though it is sown on the most fertile ground. it takes time to grow. The farmer doesn't just get angry and destroy everything he worked so hard for just because it's not magically producing, he waits. My point is, there is the place of keeping still.
  In this new year, learn to keep still so you can hear God's voice. Learn the importance of waiting on the lord. I believe this verses will help:
Psalms 37:7   Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
keep praying, don't stop beliving or trusting and learn to wait on God!
I wish you a great cross-over!!!
Much love!


Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Hi, I'm Daniel Otabor and I have no position. So there's basically no difference between you and I. Except that I understand that I can lead without having any position.

I have been running a series for some time now and I promised the awesome DEW Uwadia I was gonna have it on her blog.

Long Story Short, I'm going to be talking about #YouTooCanLead..

First what really is leadership and why do I believe strongly that you can lead?

Leadership is the ability for you to lead yourself effectively to the extent that people will want to follow.. Meaning leadership is first personal, then public.

Will you follow you, if you were leading you?

A Chinese proverbs says, "If You Think You Are Leading And No One Is Following, Then You're Only Taking A Walk!"

My role model, Dr Myles Munroe didn't agree with this and I know why. This was what he said; "You Don't Need People To Follow You Before You Are Regarded As A Leader. As Long As You're Leading A Purpose Then You Are A Leader."

Then again, if you are leading and no one is following, are you not following you?

That Said;

Find what you love doing and lead it. Discover your purpose and lead it!

But Daniel I don't know my Purpose --- How do I discover my purpose?

Well, to some it came easily, to others it didn't.. But just to quickly help you, Find that thing you love doing even when no one is watching or recognises it. Find that thing that makes you angry when it's done (E.g you get angry when information isn't properly disseminated or there isn't any content value. You can consider the media.) Due to my belief as a christain, I recommend that you pray and seek God for He is your creator and he will reveal your purpose to you.

But Daniel O! How do you lead effectively, you're young and you're doing all of this?

Well Baby! I just serve effectively..

You need to understand  that leaders have strengths. Establishing this knowledge, you also need to realize that leaders have weaknesses too..

But this is it, Leaders understand that "Getting Better Everyday Is Actually What Living Everyday Looks Like."

You telling yourself reasons why you can't lead and the reasons are solely because of your weaknesses are just stoppers! You've got strengths too! Yes you've got STRENGTHS!

Focus on your strengths and how you can make them effective in usage. Focus on how your strengths can make you achieve your desired goals. Focus on how your strength can take over and be in charge.

Why worry about a mango fruit when you can actually own the tree?

Now your mind is going to run you to death if you don't watch it.

"Watch Your Thoughts For They Become Your Actions, Watch Your Actions For They Become Your Habits, Watch Your Habits For They Become Your Character, Watch Your Character For It Determines Your Destiny - For What Ever You Think You Become.."

As a leader, what's your thought content? What do you spend your time thinking about? Are your thoughts innovative? Can your thoughts produce solutions to problems?

Your Mind Is The Seat Of Government Of Your Deeds!! Your Deeds Produce Results!!
Results Attract Followers..

When Sandra Day O'Connor graduated from Stanford Law School, she was turned down for interviews by over 40 Law firms because she was a woman. In 1981, she became the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court..

Leaders are resilient! They keep coming back for more, they don't "Fizzle Out." To become, you most be formed!

Helen Keller (1880-1968) became deaf blind before her second birthday. Despite this debilitating disability, she learned to read and write, and became the first deaf blind person to gain a Bachelor Degree..

You Still Think You Can Be Held Back?


Quickly going back memory lane; I had a discussion with Steve Harris (Your Life Strategist)! He's awesome.

On this day like always, I had a rare privilege to have a discussion with Steve Harris (Your Life Strategist), As he was at the office. From our discussion, I noted that true leaders are "The Voice" and not an Echo! He made me understand that really, there's a need for growth and track records.

You can't always regurgitate everything you take in. People need to know that they are following you and not some other person who you constantly pose as! #Deep-Right?

Myles Munroe said it this way, "To Be A Leader, You Must Be An Original!"

Always remember, you're not in a competition with anyone! You're only becoming better irrespective of who is watching or who isn't..

Stephen Covey Said, "Find Your Voice."

This One Is On The House:
Leading isn't what attracts people to you, it's the positive impact your leadership has made that does!

To lead effectively, you must see what others don't. John Maxwell said, "Leaders Know The Way, Shows The Way, And Goes The Way."

You can only know the way, show the way and go the way if you are a visionary! What do you see? Leaders are visionaries and vision is the picture of the future. Fela Durotoye said, "The Future Is Not A Timezone That's To Come; The Future Is All You Can Be But Have Not Yet Become, The Future Is All You Can Do But Have Not Yet Done, The Future Is All You Can Have But Have Not Yet Possessed."

And Remember I'm Daniel Otabor, I Have No Position And I'm Leading Effectively.. #YouTooCanLead.