Tuesday, 8 July 2014


 Hi people! so again i apologize for not been very regular. But today i want to talk about something i see as too important to ignore.
   I was talking to my mum some days ago, and she told me the story (true by the way) of a young man who committed suicide He was a student in one of the Nigerian universities. He was been pressured to join a cult but he kept refusing. A while later, he was threatened and forced into it and he was told that if he told his parents they would get killed. Well he did what he thought was "best" and killed himself leaving behind a suicide note that detailed his reason.
    I almost cried when i heard this because he seemed to be a good guy who would have done great in life if not for the unfortunate incident. Now he did not have to do this, he would have just spoken to his parents. Because his parents were really strong Christians. Or even somebody else who could have helped.
 My point been this: we all have issues sometimes especially as young people. And we often think that we can fix everything on our own and we would be just fine. but let me ask a question; don't you think that most of the mistakes we have made at one point or another in our lives could have or may have been avoided if we had just talked to someone?
 Let me use myself as an example. Growing up i developed a very tight bond with my mother. She is a very principled person no doubt but she is also very understanding. And because she is a listening mother, she is one person i have also felt comfortable confiding in. There have been times of major decisions or even minor ones in my life and times when i would be growing through something, and talking to my mum about it has always been very helpful. even when i make mistakes by taking silly decisions, she's always there to listen and advice when necessary. i have been saved from alot of trouble and regret because i made the choice to talk to her.
 No matter what it is, there's always somebody to listen. Alot of young people go into drugs, or start drinking and all that sort of thing because they want to escape the reality of what they are truely going through. but this can only bring some form of temporary satisfaction because when the effects of all that is cleared, reality does not go anywhere.
I realize that it is really hard opening up
 to somebody or letting the real you come out but believe me when i say, it would save you alot of pain, trauma and regret. we usually lie to ourselves and others that we are fine when we are'nt really.
 if God had intended for us to handle stuff on our own, he would have just put us on our own in the planet...